SR&ED cash =

Does your company qualify for SR&ED?
Canadian Controlled Private Corporations receive $3 billion of Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax credits every year.
Save your time!
We'll identify your activities that qualify for SR&ED, and together determine the amount of cash your company is eligible to receive.
Be confident the CRA will approve your SR&ED claim
We'll explain why your activities qualify, and identify the SR&ED-eligible expenses in your General Ledger.
Which of your activities qualify for SR&ED?
You need to have generated new technical knowledge in your field, and learn the CRA’s jargon:
“Technological Uncertainties” are problems that you couldn’t solve by applying generally-available knowledge;
“Technological Advancements” are solutions to those problems, the new technical knowledge that you generated.
Recording of who did what, when.
Systematic Investigation
You’ll receive two-thirds of salaries spent learning to do new things.
Data analysis
Measuring something, to validate your hypothesis about what might be possible,
Documenting your activities
Time spent by contractors
You’ll receive one-third of fees paid to contractors located in your province.
Building prototypes
Recover tow-fifths of costs of physical materials “consumed”.
Supervising others
75% of your CEO’s time can qualify for SR&ED.
The CRA needs to know
"Why" and "How” you performed your activities:
Below are the CRA's new buzz-words:
The "Why” requirement:
The reason why you performed your activities must have been to learn new things about the technology you utilize, not merely to apply existing technology.
The "How” requirement:
You must have attempted to understand new things that you did not know when you began, by testing potential solutions, measuring results and analyzing data.
Why should you hire a former CRA auditor?
The CRA’s perspective is arcane.
It’s different from normal business objectives.
Your SR&ED claim must be clear, concise and complete..
Together we’ll identify eligible expenses in your General Ledger.
Then I’ll send a Word Document containing all SR&ED data for your accountant to enter into your T2 corporate income tax returns.
Save your time
The CRA is more likely to approve your SR&ED claim with my help.
Use my proven templates
The CRA has approved them many times.
Include all your eligible expenses
Don’t overlook any.
We'll prepare your SR&ED claims fast
So you’ll receive your non-dilutive cash injection quickly
And we'll be prepared to defend them...
We’ll be ready if the CRA asks questions. you'll be confident you'll receive your cash
I understand how how the CRA’s arcane rules will apply to your circumstances..
what clients say

It'll be easier if you interact with just one person
Other SR&ED consultants need
an accountant and a technical writer.
Save your time, pay lower fees,
and receive better results faster.