
Richard Moore Former CRA Auditor

Richard Moore

Former CRA Auditor

The CRA employed me from 1996 to 2000 to audit hundreds of taxpayers’ SR&ED claims in software, hardware, IT, and multimedia.  An Electrical Engineer, MBA from UBC, I taught at Simon Fraser University and the University of British Columbia, University of Victoria, and commercialized research at the University of Waterloo. I founded 6 high-tech startups, worked at IBM, Blackberry and NorthernTelecom.

29 years SR&ED experience:

years helping clients
years auditing SR&ED claims

The CRA has approved:

SR&ED claims by
approval rate!
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I'll simplify the CRA's approval process, and save you a LOT of time.

CRA hired me and 2 dozen experienced technology specialists to establish SR&ED policies by interpreting Canada’s Income Tax Act during the late 1990s. Also I was an “Expert Witness” on behalf of CRA in disputes with taxpayers in the Department of Justice’s Special Investigations Unit.

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I monitor CRA's policy changes.

The underlying financial calculations are complex, and different in each province.

Most accountants get them wrong!  

CRA’s perspective is arcane. 

Read my blog.

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You'll learn to understand the CRA's perspective...

We’ll explain to the CRA why your activities qualify for SR&ED, from the CRA’s perspective. Your SR&ED claim is more likely to be approved… without an audit.

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... so the CRA is more likely to approve your SR&ED claims.

We’ll prepare a 4-page explanation for the CRA to understand why your activities qualify for SR&ED, and prepare supporting documentation to be ready to justify your SR&ED claims if we get audited.

Get a free consultation

You'll benefit by interacting with a single person

Other SR&ED consultants require 2 people:
an accountant and a technical writer.

I perform both functions… 

…so you’ll pay less, and receive better  service.

Find out how much your company will receive from SR&ED

SR&ED background

This information will help us to target the amount of money your company may qualify to receive from SR&ED.

Complete the form below to discover how much your company will receive from SRED

How much have you spent on salaries, contractor fees and materials: