SR&ED cash =

Does your company qualify to receive cash from SR&ED?
Canadian Controlled Private Corporations receive $3 billion of Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax credits every year.
- Save time!
We'll identify your activities that qualify for SR&ED, and together determine the amount of cash your company is eligible to receive.
- Become confident
We'll explain why your activities qualify, and identify the SR&ED-eligible expenses in your General Ledger.
What qualifies for SR&ED?
You need to have generated new technical knowledge in your field and learn the CRA’s jargon:
“Technological Uncertainties” are problems that you couldn’t solve by applying generally-available knowledge;
“Technological Advancements” are solutions to those problems, the new technical knowledge that you generated.
Salaries of your employees
You’ll receive two-thirds of salaries incurred to generate new technical knowledge.
Systematic investigation
Validating your hypothesis.
Recording of who did what, and when.
Fees of your contractors
You’ll receive one-third of fees you paid to contractors.
You’ll also recover 41.5% of the costs of physical materials “consumed”.
75% of your CEO’s time may qualify for SR&ED.
The CRA wants to know
"Why" and "How” you performed your activities
The CRA's "Why” requirement:
You must have tried to learn new things that did not initially understand. Merely applying existing technology does not qualify.
The "How” requirement:
You must have tested potential solutions, measured results, and analyzed data.
Why hire a former CRA auditor?
The CRA’s perspective is arcane.
Your project descriptions need to be clear, concise and complete to avoid an audit
You and I will identify all your eligible expenses.
I’ll prepare all the SR&ED data for your accountant to enter into your T2 corporate income tax returns.
You'll save a LOT of time
You won’t have to try to understand the CRA’s complicated rules on your own!
You can use my templates
The CRA has blessed them.
Include ALL your SR&ED-eligible expenses
We won’t omit any.
Prepare your SR&ED claims fast!
You’ll receive your cash injection quickly
Anticipate the CRA's questions
… and answer them in advance, reducing the possibility of an audit.
Be confident of a direct deposit in your bank account.
You’ll understand how the CRA’s arcane rules apply.
what clients say

You'll be very efficient.
My competitors all require TWO people: an accountant and a technical writer, Maybe a salesman too!
They’ll consume your time unnecessarily.
I deliver better results… faster, and you’ll pay lower fees.